I Corinthians 15:58
Therefore my beloved brethren be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
In this passage of scripture the apostle Paul is exhorting the believers at Corinth to stand for Christ in spite of the opposition they faced. Not only does he entreat them to stand firm in the faith, but he reminds them that their "labour is not in vain in the Lord". It always amazes me to reflect on the fact that God in his infinite mercy and lovingkindness, chooses to reward us for doing that which is our reasonable service. He has every right and reason to demand perfection out of us and destroy us all as we fall short of this standard. Yet he chose to punish his only begotten Son, the Son in whom he was well pleased, in our stead, we who are his rebellious creation, wicked, and perverse. Truly this was not because we were lovable, but because he is loving and gracious beyond human comprehension! I thank God that he stoops to allow me to stand in his glorious name, and labour for his honor and glory.